Monday, October 3, 2011

Atherosclerosis - blocked blood vessels

!±8± Atherosclerosis - blocked blood vessels

Atherosclerosis - The Basics.

Normal function of the arterial system

It 'important to understand the importance of atherosclerosis and the definitions of the disease better, to show the meaning.

Atherosclerosis - A form of arteriosclerosis, by definition, irregular thickening of subintimal (atheromas) in medium and large arteries, reduce or prevent the flow of blood to the characterization.

Arteriosclerosis - Definition A general term for several diseases in which the arterial wallthickens and loses its elasticity.

Sclerosis - Hardening Arterio - artery

Large elastic arteries carry blood from the heart, they are divided into medium-sized businesses, the ramifications of muscular arteries throughout the body. Medium-sized arteries divide into smaller arteries, which divide further into smaller arteries called arterioles.
Entry into the fabric of many branch arterioles, tiny blood vessels called capillaries, which, through their very thin walls of an exchangeSubstances between blood and tissues.

United tissues, groups of capillaries, forming small veins or venules. These venules merge to form veins. The veins return the blood to the heart. Blood vessels, like all tissues must also nutrients and O2. The larger vessels are on their own terms vasa vasorum of blood vessels (vascular system of blood vessels) served. These are inside the walls of large vessels removed.

Arterial wall
Composed of three layers (tunica)

Tunica intima (inner).
Consisting of a layer called the endothelium by a simple squamous, a basement membrane over a layer of elastic tissue, the elastic lamina interal.

The endothelium is the inner surface of the entire cardiovascular system and is a continuous layer of cells. And 'one who takes the tissue under normal conditions, the contact with the blood in the lumen (hollow center of the vessels).

Tunica media
Normally, the thicker layer.Composed of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells or in a circle around the underwear. Elastic fibers, the arteries are generally different than high, such as pressure and stretching.

Tunica Externa
Elastic and collagen fibers. In muscular arteries, an external elastic lamina of elastic tissue are separated from the outer skin, the tunica media.

Contraction and dilation of the arteries innervated by neurons of the autonomic nervous system, vascular smoothMuscle caused vasoconstriction - narrowing of blood vessels. The smooth muscle relaxation, when sympathetic stimulation decreases or when certain chemicals are present, such as NO, K +, H + and lactic acid.

Expansion Vessel
Elastic arteries and arteries of large diameter. The tunica media contains a large amount of elastic fibers. The arteries carry blood, help you relax during the chambers of the heart before the next cycle. Elastic fibers storing mechanical energy for a short period and the functionas a pressure tank. The elastic recoil and arterial blood supply to continue, while the ventricles relax by converting potential energy into kinetic energy.

Blood is moving through the arteries, even when the ventricle relaxes. Cholesterol is a major player in the formation of arterial plaques.

A diet rich in fat absorption results of cholesterol-containing bile of new blood, so less cholesterol is lost in the feces.

Also, if the saturated fatmined by hepatocytes (liver), a part of the degradation products to make cholesterol.

Thus, a diet high in saturated fatty acids leads to higher blood levels of cholesterol. The lipid profile test measures total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides (VLDL) is calculated during the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as follows: LDL = TC - HDL cholesterol - (VLDL / S) mg / dL (mg / 100 ml blood) levels are adults: TC 239 mg / dL and LDL cholesterol> 159 mg / dL are high.

The ratio of the sumCholesterol and HDL cholesterol is to predict the risk of coronary heart disease. A person with a total cholesterol of 180 mg / dl and HDL of 60 mg / dl had a relative risk of 3 ratio greater than 4 are not desirable and the higher the ratio the greater the risk of heart disease or coronary artery disease.

Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis - A generic term for several diseases in which the arterial wall thickens and loses its elasticity.

Atherosclerosis- A form of arteriosclerosis, irregular thickening of subintimal (atheromas) in medium and large arteries to reduce the order to prevent the flow of the blood characterized.

Sclerosis - Fibrosis

LDL widespread cytomegolovirus (a common herpes virus), high levels of blood sugar (diabetes mellitus)

Probably due to a lesion above to start an arterial endothelium, promoting platelet aggregation and attracts phagocytes.

The prevalence of clinicalManifestations of atherosclerosis usually increases in women after menopause and begins to approach that age-matched men.

Pathogenesis / pathology

Atherosclerosis is a collection of intra-and extracellular lipids, connective tissue, glycosaminoglycans, smooth muscle cells.

Early detection of atherosclerotic plaque is in the form of lipid laden foam cells. These are macrophages, monocytes from circulation have migrated into subendothelialIntimal layer, which then form the fibrous plaque. These intimal smooth muscle cells by connective tissue, and both intra-and extracellular lipids surrounded.

Atherosclerotic vessels have reduced systolic (contraction), the expansion and propagation of waves. People with high blood pressure, reduced arterial elasticity arterosclerotic be further reduced during the development of atherosclerosis.

There is a probable relationship between the two proposed hypotheses on the pathogenesisof atherosclerosis, the lipid hypothesis and the hypothesis of chronic endothelial damage.

There is a close connection between these two hypotheses. Modified LDL is cytotoxic to endothelial cells. This can lead to injuries and attracts monocytes and macrophages, endothelial cells that develop into foam and trapped in the room. The atherosclerotic plaque develops and grows slowly, taking decades. Over time, the jars are sealed and calcified. Lipid-rich plaques and inflammatoryCells by a thin fibrous cap, which may burst, please contact the content must be covered in blood.

The plaque rupture can stimulate thrombosis, which embolize (blood clots) and can seal the lumen in both the local (possibly distal) or proximal pulmonary vessels and heart.

Atherosclerosis is typically manifested in silence to critical sclerosis, thrombosis, aneurysm or embolism.

In the early stages, symptoms and signs reflect an inability of blood flow innot affected tissue to increase with demand, such as angina pectoris, if exercised. Symptoms develop gradually as the atheroma reaches the lumen of the vessel, but the symptoms can be dramatic when a main artery is obstructed.

Underlying causes of atherosclerosis - the role of cholesterol and lipoproteins

The most important factor causing atherosclerosis is a plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood is Earl. The plasma concentration of LDL cholesterol is directly through the consumption of saturated fats and increase all forms ofCholesterol.

Both can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. It 'was found feeding rabbits cholesterol in their diet, developed severe atherosclerotic plaques during their arterial system.

Arteriosclerotic arteries lose their elasticity and the most due to the degenerative areas in their walls, which break easily. When the plates produced in the blood flowing, it causes the surface roughness of developing blood clots, whichThrombosis or embolism, which can suddenly block all blood flow in the arteries.

Atheroma - a tumor
Sclerosis - difficult
Sis - state or process

Endocytosis - Input normal cholesterol and cellular cholesterol - cholesterol by receptor-mediated endocytosis is essential for membrane structure and synthesis of steroid hormones. However, an elevated cholesterol levels lead to heart disease. Cholesterol is a water-soluble non-polar molecule that needs to bind to a molecule carrier lipoproteinsfor transport in the blood.

The most common lipoprotein LDL (low density lipoprotein). LDL-cholesterol in cells taken from endocytosis, where LDL receptors bind to the plasma membrane of cells for protein content. People with inherited genetic defect, the number of LDL receptors on the cell membrane sinks can not carry enough cholesterol in the cells remains as LDL cholesterol in the blood plasma. This can lead to abnormally high blood levels of LDL cholesterolthat predisposes the person to the development of atherosclerosis, commonly known as hardening of the arteries. The accumulation of cholesterol in the blood blocks the flow of blood and contributes to heart attacks.

Aid in removal of cholesterol
A substance known beta-glucan to remove excess cholesterol from the intestine. Beta glucan is found in some foods like oats, but with the beta-glucan carbohydrates, is delivered, then clean with the help of cholesterol in beta-glucan, a foodsuch as oats, can build on the result of carbohydrates occurs in the form of fat, unless it is burned with exercise.

Exercise is necessary to burn the calories in the diet. All foods have a list of calories per unit weight of food packaging.


I have an article with the title '- "wrote this article, I remember that." Utility of the Five Elements of Chinese medicine movement, "the key to wellness.
The movement is necessary to maintain the appearance of stagnation.In a relatively long period - atherosclerotic plaque is formed by a poor diet and lack of exercise.

Caused by the "insult" to the body by an imbalance in the diet and exercise, are the mechanisms in the body attempts to remove unwanted substances and store them - but where are preserved by an imbalance of reactions are rare in a healthy body. Consequently makes mistakes and usually intelligent body forms plaque, which can cause health problems.Similarly, the body of arachidonic acid (found in meat) to store fat, just to get rid of the blood - this leads to toxicity that builds up over time.

The removal or displacement of the plate can be dangerous, as solids, which can move an embolism (obstruction) cause other parts of the body. There's help, to dissolve the solids, but the problem usually does not occur until very late. DVT (deep vein thrombosis) is an example of a block, who was born inLegs and can / will be in the lungs that the person traveling to faint at any time - without notice.

Another health risk of atherosclerosis, other immune-related diseases such as cancer. This happened to a family member, deep vein thrombosis was then a second breast cancer years - the person who has made a full recovery from both problems through changes in lifestyle - vegetarian food (fresh vegetables for the more sweet), fresh juice at home, drink barley green, made Reiki treatments every day, daily exercise (aerobicto pursue with an exercise bike recumbent with full view of progress), breathing exercises and high doses of certain dietary supplements (CoQ10Sport was one of them). Without alcohol, coffee, tea, food of any kind, without chemotherapy, no radiation, no drugs of any kind, without painkillers (effects on the liver and intestines can cause constipation) Short -. Back to the roots with clean water and food and a change of lifestyle.

The way out of atherosclerosis is different for everyone. The difference isthe magnitude of the problem and length of abuse on the body. First of all there must be a doctor right in the recovery process that must be taken slowly to be included. Detoxification is slowly and steadily - do not hurry.

Ron Campeanu


1 Human Physiology, Unglaub Dee Silverthorn, p 145-146, Pearson

2 Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, p 1654-1658, Merck

3 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Tortora, GJ and Grabowsky, SR, P697-699, 921, Wiley

4 Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton, AC and Hall, MD, PhD, JE, p 789, Saunders

Atherosclerosis - blocked blood vessels

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